Garlic Confit

Garlic Confit

Keep a little garlic confit on hand to upgrade your next salad, pasta, potato, steak, pizza, and so on and so forth.

It'll keep for weeks in your fridge, and it's the perfect way to utilize the pile of garlic on your counter that's quickly trying to become a member of your succulent collection in the window.

Soft and spreadable

Recipe Notes:

*You can use any cooking oil that you'd like since this cooks at a low temp and you don't have to worry about the smoke point. You should however consider the flavor of the oil. You can use things like extra virgin olive oil or duck fat but those will bring their own strong flavors to the party. Not necessarily a bad thing but something to think about.

*You can cook this for longer and/or at a higher temp if you want significantly more browning. This can make for a deeper and sweeter flavor, but you run the risk of changing from completely soft and smooth garlic cloves, to ones that have a chewy "skin".

Garlic Confit

  1. Peel and trim the root end off of as much garlic as you'd like and place into an appropriately sized pot.
  2. Pour just enough oil so that it comes to the top of the garlic.
  3. Heat over medium heat until you start to see bubbles, then reduce to as low as you can while still mainting some bubble action.

4. Let this bubble gently for about an hour, or until your garlic is very soft and very lightly browned.

5. Let the garlic cool in the oil, then transfer all to an air-tight glass jar and store in your fridge. Use garlic and oil as needed.
