A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress

I like to think that I am a fairly organized person. Especially in the kitchen. However, when it comes to recipes, I can't seem to keep it together.

In fact, I think by trying to categorize and catalog the recipes I've amassed over the years, I've somehow made things worse, and less organized.

Before I even started recording recipes in notebooks I used individual notecards. Why I did this, I couldnt tell you. It may have been something I was told to do in culinary school, but I just can't get down with the loosey-goosey nature of notecards.

There may be gold in these, but they will inevitably sit untouched and unused until my master consolidation plan is complete.

at least I put rings on them 😅

Once I actually started cooking in restaurants, and in my first attempt to stay ultra organized, I would keep a small recipe book that could ONLY be used for the recipes of the specific station I was currently working.

That actually works really well in the moment, but years later with tiny notebooks scattered among boxes and bookshelves, I wish I had developed a more condensed system.

And that's what I tried to do next...but it's actually worse.

My next recipe era came when I started having a hand in developing recipes that would (hopefully) end up on the menu.

My notebook now had to be bigger, because I was righting down recipe notes, like what worked, what didn't, and the multiple iterations of a dish before it was menu ready.

Not to mention the minutiae of managing a kitchen.

These books are fun to look back on, but actually sorting through and locating "finished" recipes is as clear as mud.

Finally, there was/is my attempt at creating a digital library of recipes. But again, in an attempt to keep things organized, I've only made things harder.

I have folders for different restaurants, all with subfolders for what station each recipe came from. Not to mention A LOT of unlabled photos of recipes that I snapped with my phone.

I'm basically right back where I started, only now, the tiny notebooks are dispersed across my computer.

it's nice in theory

With all of that out of the way, my project of the moment (and for the last 5 years and foreseeable future) is to consolidate and condense all of the "good" recipes into one location. Well, actually three locations. I'm doing it again, aren't I...

  1. A nice handwritten book, because it's nice to cook from an actual book.
  2. One digital folder that can live in the cloud (wherever that is) for eternity.
  3. A recipe index here for all of you lovely people.

Hopefully reading that wasn't like eating a bunch of really dry cornbread just because you don't want to be rude to the person who made it.

Do you have a recipe system that works well, or do people not keep recipes anymore because you can just google it everytime?

In other news, I made a very good cheeseburger this week.

a pretty wild one for me
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