Fall Baking

Fall Baking

The moment the clock struck fall last week, I was, as I'm sure you were, inundated with fall baking content. More specifically, all of North America simultaneously baked a loaf of pumpkin bread (multiple discovery anyone?)

I however did not partake, which I have since learned was a mistake. So, since fall baking was/is en vogue, it was requested that I make a fall baked good.

Easy enough...

(fall) Cinnamon Raisin Bread

My offering was a cinnamon raisin loaf. Little did I know, this was a very controversial choice, one some say is not a fall-baked good at all.

Is cinnamon not a classic fall flavor? allrecipes.com goes as far as to say "Spicy cinnamon is the perfect flavor for fall...". Guys, they have literally all the recipes, so they know what they're talking about.

Fall is also grape season, and what may I ask are raisins made from?

Luckily, my sister understood the assignment without ever needing to be asked and was gracious enough to share her most excellent pumpkin loaf with us (which maybe she will write about and share with you here 😏). Crisis averted.

But now I turn to you to settle this contentious topic once and for all. Is cinnamon raisin bread a fall-baked good?

In other news, we ate some pretty good food last week.

What kind of pumpkin bread did you make?

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