Easy Vinegar BBQ Sauce

Easy Vinegar BBQ Sauce

This is a BBQ sauce recipe that I threw together in a hurry when I was low on ingredients and low on time. And while I wouldn't say I was "surprised" that it was good, it far exceeded my expectations.

I initially made this to use on some grilled BBQ chicken, and that's still where I use this the most. But, it's also an excellent sauce for pork ribs or pulled pork.

The taste of this sauce is great, but I think the number one reason I keep making it, is that there's simply not an easier recipe out there.

A lot of good sauces start with sauteing onion until they're very soft. But who has time for that! Kidding, sort of.

I do make another BBQ sauce that starts that way too, but for a really high-acid, vinegar-based sauce like this, I don't think you'll miss the onion.

So throw everything in a pot, all at once, heat, stir, and you're done.

BBQ Sauce

Yield: 2c

  • 275g (1c) Ketchup
  • 155g (3/4c) Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 35g (1/4c) Brown Sugar
  • 2t Smoked Paprika, ground
  • 1/2t Cumin, ground
  • 1/2t Black Pepper, ground
  • 1/2t Mustard Powder
  • 1/2t Kosher Salt
  • 1/4t Coriander, ground
  1. Combine all ingredients in a pot and simmer for 20 minutes. Use immediately or store in the fridge for future use.